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testing, prep, and options

 check the ACT and SAT websites to verify test dates

With more than 1900 +colleges and universities now test-optional, it is still essential to assess the pros and cons of taking a standardized test, which one/s (if appropriate), and the actual value-added.


Even though GPA and high school courses correlate more significantly with first-year success in college, some of the advantages of taking either the SAT or ACT tests would be to provide:

~Strengths in a particular subject area or academic capabilities.

~Help with financial scholarships. 

~Alignment with courses and grades.

~Additional data points for demonstrating college readiness.


Not every student tests well, has had the benefit of a curriculum that supports testing assessments, can afford the time to prepare for further assessments, or is interested in a college/university that requires any test scores. Together we will consider these key factors to develop a test plan, whether preparing and taking a test or applying test optional. 

For more insights on testing and factors to consider you'll want to read:

Coffee, Tea, or SAT?

test prep - get ready! 

Whether you work on your own or need more support test prep has been shown to improve scores. Ensuring you have enough time and practice will help you meet your goals. 
The Challenges of a Shorter ACT

Moving from Official SAT Practice to Official Digital SAT Prep on Khan Academy

Khan Academy (partnered with College Board)

ACT Academy

Are you eligible for fee waivers for sending test scores or applications? 
To find out, get forms, and apply visit these links:  
NACAC Waivers
SAT Waivers
 ACT Waivers

While most schools do not require AP scores with an application, strong AP scores may factor in.  Ready to send AP scores to the college you will be attending? Click here to learn more and how to send.

which test plan will highlight your strengths?

FAIR TEST  - Find out which colleges are test optional.

Test Dates 2024-2025.jpg
ready to send test scores?
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