4 min read
pinning down your priorities on your path to college
Imagine you’re planning a backpacking trip or your dream vacation. What are some of the things you will want to have pinned down before...
3 min read
and now we wait...or do we?
If you're a senior, you are now officially in the waiting-for-decisions period and starting the homestretch of senior year. While you may...
5 min read
"Likely," "Best Fit," or "Reach"- Aim For Your Fit.
If you attend high school in California, applying to a UC seems like a natural step when putting together your college list. The UCs are...
4 min read
Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.
The admission decision season is here. Who wouldn't want to receive a new puppy or kitten to go with their decision notifications? For...
3 min read
The Waiting Game
Have you ever been stuck on the freeway and decided that sitting still in traffic makes no sense, so you get off at the nearest ramp and...
4 min read
too many cooks in the college essay kitchen
Application season can be a touchy time as nerves rattle and worry percolate with impending deadlines. This is true not just for...
3 min read
big fish - little pond effect? which pond will you swim in?
"How you feel about your abilities—your academic “self-concept”—in the context of your classroom shapes your willingness to tackle...